

Commercial enterprise is the third highest emissions producing sector at 26.2% or 68,679 tonnes of Co2-e and industry is much smaller, accounting for only 4.4% (11,540 tCo2-e). In the commercial sector the bulk of these emissions come from diesel transport (26,914tCo2-e), electricity (21,439tCo2-e) and petrol transport (12,833tCo2-e). Similarly, industry’s greatest emission source is diesel (5,922tCo2-e), then petrol transport (2,838tCo2-e) followed by electricity (1,982tCo2-e).


If you own, operate or work for a business in the Hepburn Shire, there may be targeted actions you can take to cut these emissions while saving on energy and fuel costs.


EV Bulk buy

Cut your transport emissions and costs with an affordable EV.


Hepburn Solar Bulk Buy

Businesses and facilities can install solar and batteries with the Hepburn Solar Bulk-Buy, offering quality systems at an affordable price.


Business Environmental Upgrade Finance

Environmental Upgrade Finance (EUF) is a new and growing form of finance designed to make existing buildings better. Learn more about the Hepburn Shire program here.


Energy Assessments and Energy Savvy Upgrades

Although primarily for homes – our energy assessment program may be able to assist you directly or put you in contact with a provider who can. This assessment could help your workplace lower its running costs.


Small Business Energy Saver: this program is helping small businesses reduce running costs and greenhouse gas emissions, helping businesses upgrade equipment.

Sustainability Victoria – Reduce Energy use in your business: Sustainability Victoria has a lot of resources for businesses to implement energy efficiency.