Business Environmental Upgrade Finance
Environmental Upgrade Finance (EUF) is a mechanism to help businesses retrofit buildings to be more sustainable through a rate based loan repayment mechanism. Better Building Finance works with Hepburn Shire Council to help them offer Environmental Upgrade Finance to businesses in the Shire.
Environmental Upgrade Finance (EUF) is a new and growing form of finance designed to make existing buildings better. It enables businesses and building owners to borrow money with very favourable terms so they can upgrade their buildings to save on energy, water and waste. It involves an Environmental Upgrade Agreement (EUA) between the building owner, financier, and local council.
The key terms are:
- No upfront capital or security
- Fixed-rate, long-term loan terms with low annual repayments
- Option to share costs between owners and tenants
- Repayments are collected through council rates
- Every loan is legislated to deliver a positive environmental outcome
How it works:
- Business owner scopes building upgrade project in the participating council area
- Better Building Finance connects owners with participating lenders
- Lender provides capital for the project
- The owner (and/or tenant) makes repayments via an Environmental Upgrade Charge (EUC) on council rates
If you are interested, please review the following key documents and then go to Better Buildings Finance to apply or find out more.